

I recently removed the status bar from my laptop’s dwm setup. To make up for the lack of a status bar, I’ve set up a few cron jobs. Every 5 minutes, battery level is checked. If it’s below 20% and isn’t charging, a notification pops up. If it’s over 80% and still charging, a notification pops up.

*/5 * * * * /home/j/bin/lowbattery
0 * * * * feh --randomize --bg-fill /home/j/walls/*
0 */12 * * * /home/j/bin/backup
0 5-21 * * * notify-send "drink water"
0 7,12,18 * * * notify-send "eat"
0 8 * * 1-5 notify-send "get ready for work"
0 22 * * * notify-send -u critical "sleep"
