

Hexy is a generative art playground inspired by and based on Grant Custer’s Hex and Martin Kleppe’s (t,i,x,y).


Hexy has a 50×50 grid where each cell is assigned a numerical value by the provided function in the input box. The function has 5 parameters:

function parameters
itime value (increments with each cycle)
xcell x-coordinate
ycell y-coordinate
cxcursor x-coordinate
cycursor y-coordinate

Internally, it looks like this:

function getValue ({ i, x, y, cx, cy }) {
  const n = // code from the input box is inserted here
  return (Math.abs(n) | 0) % 11

A cell’s state is determined by the function output and corresponds to the following:

0voidvoid cell
1leftborder on the left
2topborder on top
3rightborder on the right
4bottomborder on the bottom
5backslashdiagonal line from top-left to bottom-right corner
6slashdiagonal line from bottom-left to top-right corner
7crossboth slashes form an “X”
8boxall borders (1–4) present
9cratea box with an “X”
10solida solid box
(x ^ y) / 4 (link)
x - y & y (link)