
the solar system
systema solaris

Build a star before you go through this document as you’ll need to know your star’s mass (M) and luminosity (L).

All values given by the equations herein are set in astronomical units (au). To convert to kilometres:

dkm = 149597870dau

gravitational boundaries

The gravitational boundaries determine the limits of your solar system and where any potential planetary orbits can be placed.

Gmin = 0.2M
Gmax = 40M

Another way to calculate the inner boundary is via the Roche limit.

Roche = R(2(ρ / ρm))(1/3)

Don’t forget to add a teapot somewhere!

habitable zone

Any habitable planets must be placed within the circumstellar habitable zone (CHZ), derived from sunlight intensity.

CHZmin = sqrt(L / 1.1)
CHZmax = sqrt(L / 0.53)

frost line

The frost line (Fau ) determines whether planets will be terrestrial planets or gas giants. Planets between the inner gravity limit and the frost line are terrestrial planets. Gas giants form beyond the frost line.

Fau = sqrt(L / 0.04)