
MathML is used to render mathematical formulas in webpages.


For starters, you just need the <math> element which can be rendered in two forms: inline by default like 1+1 or in its own block like

<math display="inline"><mn>1</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>1</mn></math>
<math display="block"><mn>1</mn><mo>*</mo><mn>1</mn></math>

In the following code samples, I’ll exclude <math> for brevity.


  • Use mn for numbers
  • Use mo for operators
  • Use mi for identifiers like constants and variables
  • Use ms for string literals
  • Use mrow to group expressions

Example: 8*(x+y)

<mn>8</mn> <mo>*</mo>
  <mo>(</mo> <!-- note that parentheses are operators -->
    <mi>x</mi> <mo>+</mo> <mi>y</mi>


Here’s a list of composite elements. The syntax column contains the number and order of children allowed for each element. Fractions, for example, should only have two children. Make use of <mrow> for more complex nesting.

  <!-- numerator -->
  <!-- denominator -->
mfracnumerator denominator1+316
mrootbase indexx3
msubbase subscriptxi
msupbase superscriptxi
msubsupbase subscript superscriptabc
munderbase subscriptxi
moverbase superscriptxi
munderoverbase subscript superscripti=110


For matrices, you can use the <mtable>, <mtr>, and <mtd> elements which work like their respective HTML <table>, <tr>, and <td> counterparts.



Browsers, as always, render MathML differently. I remember now why I originally took down my formula-heavy worldbuilding notes. This page uses MathJax, a display engine that attempts to render MathML consistently across browsers (also supports ASCIIMath and LaTeX, but I haven’t tried these yet). However, even it doesn’t really work. View this page in Firefox and Vivaldi.


MathJax places formulas in center alignment by default. Add this to a body script to change the alignment:



This page covers the basics. There are a few other elements like <mphantom> and <mprescripts>. I’m not much of a mathematician so I have yet to really fully utilise these, but you can learn more about them and find more advanced examples here: