To build a planet, designate its mass (M⊕) or radius (R⊕) and density (ρ⊕) relative to Earth’s.
distance from star
The distance of a planet from its star can be determined by the sunlight intensity it receives. A sunlight intensity (S ) of 1 is equivalent to Earth’s sunlight intensity. Habitable planets must have a
Pdist = L☉ / S
Mass (M⊕) is the amount of matter in a body
M⊕ = R⊕3 / ρ⊕
A planet’s radius is the distance from its centre to its surface
R⊕ = cubeRoot(M⊕ρ⊕)
R⊕(km) = R⊕ * 6731.009
The circumference (C ) is the distance around a closed curve. Note that unless your planet is perfectly spherical, its circumferences will differ around its poles and its equator
C⊕ = 2πR⊕
G = M⊕ / sqrt(R⊕)
The average planetary temperature (T ) is a factor in the planet’s habitability.
T = 374 * G * (1 - A) * Psunlight0.25
escape velocity
A planet’s escape velocity (ve) refers to the minimum speed required for an object to escape its gravitational pull
ve = (2.365 * 10-5) * Rm * sqrt(pKgm)
ve = sqrt((2GM☉) / Rm)
molecular velocity
vescJean = ve / 6
f(x) = sqrt((3RT) / x)
distance to horizon
To determine how far an observer with a height of h (in metres) can see into the horizon, assuming a perfectly flat* terrain:
dh = sqrt(h * (2 * Rm + h))
Obliquity (ε) is the angle between a planet’s rotational axis at its poles and a line perpendicular to its orbital plane. This angle is a factor in the planet’s seasons and temperature regions.
λA = 90 - ε
λT = ε
angular diameter of primary
The apparent size (δ) of the planet’s primary
δ = 57.3 * (d☉ / Pdist)