Havre is my ThinkPad L530.
OS | Debian |
display | |
processor | Intel Core i5-3320M |
graphics | Intel HD Graphics 4000 |
RAM | |
storage | 120 GB SSD + 500 GB HDD |
abook | address book |
beets | media library management |
cmus | audio player |
Deno | JS and Wasm runtime |
dmenu | dynamic menu, launcher |
Dunst | notifications |
dwm | window manager |
feh | image viewer |
FFmpeg | audio and video recorder, converter, and streamer |
Firefox | web browser |
GIMP | image editor |
GPicView | image viewer |
hexyl | hex viewer |
hyperfine | benchmarking |
jpegoptim | JPEG compressor |
Krita | art and animations |
mat2 | metadata anonymisation |
micro | text editor |
mpv | media player |
MuPDF | PDF reader |
Newsboat | RSS and Atom feed reader |
nnn | file manager (terminal) |
OptiPNG | PNG compressor |
PCManFM | file manager (graphical) |
pnpm | npm alternative |
scrot | screenshot tool |
slock | display locker |
st | terminal |
Vercel | web deployment |
vim | text editor |
Vivaldi | web browser |
zsh | shell |
deborphan | find orphaned packages |
webp | WebP utilities |
webp-pixbuf-loader | to enable WebP support in PCManFM thumbnails and GPicView |
See Linux for some terminal commands.
I use a bare git repo to manage dotfiles:
git init --bare $HOME/.config/dotfiles.git
alias dots='git --git-dir=$HOME/.config/dotfiles.git --work-tree=$HOME'
dots config status.showUntrackedFiles no